Arthas is an online monitoring and diagnostic product that allows real-time viewing of application memory, GC, and thread status information from a global perspective. It can diagnose business issues without modifying application code, including viewing method call parameters, exceptions, monitoring method execution time, class loading information, etc., greatly improving the efficiency of online issue troubleshooting.
Problem Solving:
- Local development environment cannot access the production environment, making it difficult to debug issues.
- Some issues cannot be easily reproduced in different environments.
- Adding some logs to help solve problems involves deployment.
Basic Commands#
Download and Install:#
Machine installation:
curl -O
Command List:#
1. JVM Related:#
- dashboard - Real-time data dashboard of the current system, refreshed every 5 seconds by default.
ID: Java-level thread ID, note that this ID does not correspond one-to-one with the nativeID in jstack.
NAME: Thread name
GROUP: Thread group name
PRIORITY: Thread priority, a number between 1 and 10, with a higher number indicating a higher priority. setPriority(1-10)
STATE: Thread state
CPU%: Thread CPU usage. For example, if the sampling interval is 1000ms and a certain thread's incremental CPU time is 100ms, then CPU usage = 100/1000 = 10%
DELTA_TIME: Incremental CPU time the thread has run since the last sample, data format is seconds.
TIME: Total CPU time the thread has run, data format is minutes:seconds.
INTERRUPTED: Current interrupt status of the thread.
DAEMON: Whether it is a daemon thread.
C1 C2 CompilerThread:
Garbage collection count gc.ps_scavenge.count, garbage collection time gc.ps_scavenge.time, mark-sweep algorithm count gc.ps_marksweep.count, mark-sweep algorithm time.
- heapdump - Dump Java heap, similar to the heap dump function of the jmap command.
heapdump xx-output/dump.hprof
The generated file is in the arthas-output directory and can be opened in a browser: http://localhost:8563/xx-output/
jvm - View current JVM information.
COUNT: Current number of active threads in the JVM.
DAEMON-COUNT: Current number of active daemon threads in the JVM.
PEAK-COUNT: Maximum number of threads that have ever been alive since the JVM started.
STARTED-COUNT: Total number of threads that have been started since the JVM started.
DEADLOCK-COUNT: Current number of threads in deadlock in the JVM.
File descriptors:
MAX-FILE-DESCRIPTOR-COUNT: Maximum number of file descriptors that the JVM process can open.
OPEN-FILE-DESCRIPTOR-COUNT: Current number of open file descriptors in the JVM. -
logger - View and modify logger.
Update logger level.
logger --name ROOT --level debug -
memory - View JVM memory information.
thread - View current JVM thread stack information.
thread: Default sorted by CPU incremental time in descending order.
thread -n 3: Display the top 3 busiest threads and print their stacks.
thread id: Display the running stack of the specified thread.
thread -b: Find the thread currently blocking other threads: currently only supports finding threads blocked by the synchronized keyword.
thread -i: Specify sampling time interval.
thread --state: View threads in the specified state. -
vmoption - View and modify JVM diagnostic-related options.
Update specified option.
vmoption PrintGC true -
vmtool - Query objects from the JVM, execute forceGc.
vmtool --action forceGc
2. Class/Classloader Related#
classloader - View the inheritance tree of classloaders, URLs, class loading information, and use classloader to getResource.
View statistics by class loading type: classloader.
View statistics by class loading instance: classloader -l.
View ClassLoader inheritance tree: classloader -t. -
dump - Dump the bytecode of loaded classes to a specific directory.
dump com.xx.xx.controller.ArthasController Generate ArthasController.class file.
jad - Decompile the source code of the specified loaded class.
By default, the decompiled result will include ClassLoader information. Use the --source-only option to print only the source code.
jad --source-only com.xx.xx.controller.ArthasController
jad --source-only com.xx.xx.controller.ArthasController deadLock -
redefine - Load external .class files and redefine them in the JVM.
The redefine command conflicts with jad/watch/trace/monitor/tt and other commands. After executing redefine, if you execute the aforementioned commands again, the bytecode of redefine will be reset.
retransform - Load external .class files and retransform them in the JVM.
- Load external .class file.
retransform /Users/xx/IdeaProjects/ArthasController.class - View retransform entries.
retransform -l - Delete retransform entities:
retransform -d 1
retransform --deleteAll
Note: - If all retransform entries are not cleared and retransform is triggered again, the classes that have been retransform will still be effective when arthas stops.
- If retransform is not cleared and Arthas is stopped, it can be restarted, and the jad-mc-retransform will still decompile the code before modification.
- Retransform does not allow adding new fields or methods.
- Load external .class file.
sc - View information about classes loaded in the JVM.
sc -d com.xx.xx.controller.*
sc -d com.xx.xx.controller.ArthasController -
sm - View method information of loaded classes.
sm com.xx.xx.controller.ArthasController *
3. Monitor/Watch/Trace Related#
Please note that these commands are implemented through bytecode enhancement technology, which inserts some aspects into the methods of specified classes for data statistics and observation. Therefore, when using them online or in pre-release, please clearly define the classes, methods, and conditions to observe. After diagnosis, execute stop or reset the enhanced classes.
Always execute commands with -n; otherwise, if you encounter methods with a very high call volume, it can instantly overwhelm your JVM memory.
monitor - Method execution monitoring.
Monitor the flag method in ArthasController, printing every 5 seconds, for a total of 10 times.
monitor com.xx.xx.controller.ArthasController flag -n 10 --cycle 5
Count requests where parameter param[0] <= 2.
monitor -c 5 demo.MathGame primeFactors "params[0] <= 2" -
stack - Output the call path of the current method.
Many times we know that a method is executed, but the path of its execution is very complex, or we may not know where the method is executed from.
stack com.xx.xx.service.impl.WjVideoServiceImpl preprocessingVideo -n 5
trace - Internal call path of the method, outputting the time spent at each node along the method path.
- Trace can conveniently help you locate and discover performance issues caused by high RT, but it can only track the first-level method call chain at a time.
- Many times we only want to see the trace results of a certain method after its RT exceeds a certain time. You can use '#cost>100' to indicate that the trace result will only be output when the execution time exceeds 100ms.
- Currently, tracing java.lang.Thread getName is not supported.
--exclude-class-pattern Exclude specified classes.
--skipJDKMethod true Trace functions in the JDK.
'#cost > 10' Trace results will only be output when execution time exceeds 10ms.
Trace multi-level method implementation chain calls.
trace -E com.xx.xx.service.impl.VideoServiceImpl|com.xx.xx.controller.AutoCutController|com.xx.xx.service.impl.WjVideoServiceImpl preprocessing|preprocessingVideo -n 5 '#cost>10' -
tt(TimeTunnel) - A time-space tunnel for method execution data, recording the input parameters and return information of each call of the specified method, and allowing observation of these different time calls.
tt -t com.kscs.capcut.service.impl.WjVideoServiceImpl preprocessingVideo -n 5
tt -l Retrieve call records. tt -s '"preprocessingVideo"'
tt -i 1000 View call information.
tt -i 1004 -p Redo a call. -
watch - Observe the call situation of the specified function. The observable range includes: return value, thrown exceptions, input parameters.
- -f Observe after the function returns.
- -x Output the attribute traversal depth of the result.
watch com.xx.xx.service.impl.WjVideoServiceImpl preprocessingVideo '{params,returnObj,throwExp}' -n 5 -x 3
Problem Solving:#
1. Use Arthas to Accurately Locate High CPU Load Issues in Java Applications.#
View the threads with the highest CPU usage.
1. thread / thread -n 3
2. thread id
1. The method is called in a loop.
2. There is an internal infinite loop.
We use the tt command to listen to the call situation of this method.
tt -t com.xx.xx.controller.ArthasController deadAdd -n 5
When executing this command online, be sure to remember to add the -n parameter; otherwise, the huge traffic online may instantly overwhelm your JVM memory.
Decompile the method to see.
jad --source-only com.xx.xx.controller.ArthasController deadAdd
top --> top -Hp pid --> jstack pid 16 hexadecimal
2. Use Arthas to Analyze Memory Issues.#
dashboard View GC data.
gc.ps_scavenge.count gc.ps_marksweep.count
Use the vmoption command to dynamically enable GC logs.
vmoption PrintGC true
vmoption PrintGCDetails true
Use vmtool to force GC.
vmtool --action forceGc
3. Dynamically Modify Log Print Levels.#
By default, the logger command will execute under SystemClassloader. If the application is a traditional war application or a spring boot fat jar application, you need to specify the classloader.
logger -c 685f4c2e --name ROOT --level debug
4. Decompile Source Code to Check if the JVM Loaded the Expected File Content.#
jad --source-only com.xx.xx.controller.AutoCutController preprocessing
5. Method Internal Call Paths and Execution Time of Each Method Call.#
monitor: This command is used to monitor the execution status of methods, including the number of calls, successful calls, failed calls, maximum time spent, minimum time spent, and average time spent. It is usually used to locate performance issues.
[arthas@19702]$ monitor com.xx.xx.service.impl.WjVideoServiceImpl preprocessingVideo -n 10 --cycle 10
Press Q or Ctrl+C to abort.
Affect(class count: 1 , method count: 1) cost in 49 ms, listenerId: 3
timestamp class method total success fail avg-rt( fail-ra
ms) te
2023-07-17 16:21 com.xx.xx.service. preprocessingVideo 1 1 0 3755.98 0.00%
:14 impl.WjVideoServiceImpl
trace: This command is used to trace the call path and time spent of methods. It records the input parameters and return results of methods, as well as other methods called internally and their execution times.
[arthas@19702]$ trace -E com.xx.xx.service.impl.VideoServiceImpl|com.xx.xx.controller.AutoCutController|com.xx.xx.service.impl.WjVideoServiceImpl preprocessing|preprocessingVideo -n 5 --skipJDKMethod false '1==1'
Press Q or Ctrl+C to abort.
Affect(class count: 4 , method count: 4) cost in 157 ms, listenerId: 2
`---ts=2023-07-17 16:20:42;thread_name=http-nio-8183-exec-8;id=2b;is_daemon=true;priority=5;TCCL=org.springframework.boot.web.embedded.tomcat.TomcatEmbeddedWebappClassLoader@3576ddc2
`---[1.069325ms] com.xx.xx.controller.AutoCutController$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$333516af:preprocessing()
`---[83.17% 0.889312ms ] org.springframework.cglib.proxy.MethodInterceptor:intercept()
`---[43.36% 0.385619ms ] com.xx.xx.controller.AutoCutController:preprocessing()
+---[6.45% 0.024868ms ] org.slf4j.MDC:get() #31
+---[1.90% 0.007333ms ] com.xx.xx.common.vo.ProcessingVO:setTaskId() #31
+---[70.24% 0.270861ms ] com.xx.xx.service.VideoService:preprocessingVideo() #32
`---[2.93% 0.011295ms ] com.xx.xx.base.model.Result:success() #33
tt: This command is used to record the historical call situation of methods, including input parameters, return results, and exception information. It can not only view the current call situation of methods but also view historical call situations and retry historical calls.
[arthas@19702]$ tt -t com.kscs.capcut.controller.AutoCutController preprocessing -n 5
Press Q or Ctrl+C to abort.
Affect(class count: 2 , method count: 2) cost in 39 ms, listenerId: 4
) T P
1000 2023-07-17 16:23 0.20207 true false 0x5ec8b24c AutoCutController preprocessing
:17 4
1001 2023-07-17 16:23 1.94166 true false 0xe637be2a AutoCutController$$Enhan preprocessing
:17 4 cerBySpringCGLIB$$333516
6. Code Hot Update#
1. Decompile the source code of the loaded class.
jad --source-only com.kscs.capcut.controller.ArthasController
2. Modify the local code and compile/test. After passing, find the compiled .class file in the target directory.
3. Hot update.
retransform /Users/edy/IdeaProjects/ArthasController.class
2. View retransform entries.
retransform -l
3. Delete retransform entities:
retransform -d 1
retransform --deleteAll
Impact on Service Performance#
When executing commands like trace/watch/tt/monitor in Arthas, it essentially inserts code before and after the method, which invalidates the code originally generated by JIT compilation in the JVM, requiring a rollback to the original code and re-JIT compilation. Therefore, high concurrency function calls may cause jitter.
Thus, it is advisable to avoid tracing/watching a large number of classes at once.
It is recommended to select a machine with low load in the cluster for analysis in online environments. If there is only one machine, use it with caution.
Demo Used#
public class ArthasController {
public static boolean flag = true;
private List<ProcessingVO> stringList = new ArrayList<>();
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "flag")
public Result<Map<String, String>> flag(Integer param1, Integer param2) {
flag = !flag;
return Result.success();
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "oom")
public Result<List<ProcessingVO>> oom() {
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
if (stringList.size() > 500000) {
ProcessingVO vo = new ProcessingVO();
vo.setVideoName("videoName" + i);
vo.setTaskId("taskId" + i);
return Result.success();
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "deadLock")
public Result<Map<String, String>> deadLock() {
Thread thread1 = new Thread(() -> {
synchronized (String.class) {"thread1 get String lock");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
synchronized (Integer.class) {"thread1 get Integer lock");
Thread thread2 = new Thread(() -> {
synchronized (Integer.class) {"thread2 get Integer lock");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
synchronized (String.class) {"thread2 get String lock");
return Result.success();
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "highCPU")
public Result<Map<String, String>> highCPU() {
Thread highCpuThread = new Thread(this::deadAdd);
return Result.success();
private void deadAdd() {
ListNode node2 = new ListNode(2, null); // Create node (data + reference)
ListNode node1 = new ListNode(1, node2);
ListNode node = new ListNode(0, node1); = node;
while (node != null) {
if (flag) {
node =;
} else {
System.out.println("stop deadAdd");
class ListNode { // Class name: Java class is a custom data structure.
int val; // Data: Node data.
ListNode next; // Object: Reference to the next node object. In Java, there is no concept of pointers; references in Java are similar to pointers in C language.
ListNode(int val, ListNode next) { // Constructor: The constructor has the same name as the class.
this.val = val; // Assign the received parameter to the current class's val variable. = next;