


Technical Solution Template

1. Background of the Requirement#

Explain the background of the requirement, business goals, business processes, problems to be solved, and proposed solutions, as well as estimated benefits.

2. Functional Framework#

2.1 Functional Framework#

System architecture diagram

2.2 Business Process#

Data flow diagram

2.3 Permission Design#

Whether it involves permission management or other data permissions

2.4 System Interaction#

Interaction with other business systems or third parties

3. Requirement Decomposition#

3.1 Function A#

3.1.1 Lifecycle#

 3.1.2 State Machine
 3.1.3 Implementation Details

4. Technical Solution#

4.1 External Dependencies and Business Module Design#

4.2 Overall Architecture Design#

4.3 Overall Process Design#

4.4 System Stability Design#

 Fault tolerance, scalability, monitoring, alerting, and other information

5. Data Model Design#

Data ER diagram

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.